Grammy-nominated orchestra A Far Cry comes to DePauw


Tonight marks the beginning of a yearlong concert series hosted by the School of Music. Performing is the Grammy-nominated chamber orchestra A Far Cry.

Consisting of seventeen young, professional musicians, the Boston-based orchestra A Far Cry is rather unconventional compared to a traditional orchestra, which hires a musical director or conductor to make decisions regarding music and performance about the pieces they play. In contrast, leadership rotates among the members of A Far Cry, making for a different performance every time.

Janice Bagwell, event coordinator and assistant to the dean, states that the School of Music was interested in having the group perform at DePauw because “they expand the boundaries of music traditionally played by orchestras and experiment with how the music is prepared, performed and experienced.”

Bagwell also believes students should look forward to the individual and collective sound of the orchestra because it embodies the 21st-Century musician.

To watch and listen to the performance by the self-conducted orchestra that the New York Times claims “brims with personality or, better, personalities, many and varied,” come to Kresge Auditorium tonight at 7:30 p.m.